Monday, June 28, 2010

Non vegetarians – savour the best taste!

For those non vegetarians, there are restaurants which serve a different variety of barbequed meat. The term barbecue is derived from the word barbie’. It originated from Australia and New Zealand. The South Africans call it as Braai. This is popularly used method of cooking which uses heat and hot smoke of fire. It is popularly tried out in the outdoor with the use of wood and charcoal. However, hotels make use of a different material to carry out the heating process. They make use of brick or the modern way of cooking with metal ovens specially meant for this type of cooking.

There are different variations of this, Brazilians cook it differently from Australians. It is also found by researchers that barbecue with potato salad is considered to prevent cancer. This releases favourable molecules in the digestive system.

Grilling food also makes use of direct fire. You can either use the grills on the direct gas, oven or direct fire. It allows food to cook slowly with out getting charred. Using a grill prevents it from burning excessively. The same can be tried for vegetarian food too. It offers amazing flavour to your paneer and capsicum grilled stuff.

To know more on Bangalore Restaurants, Barbeque Nation Bangalore

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