Monday, June 28, 2010

Healthy Food Choices in the Restaurants?

You may have a quick bite from any where you see a food outlet. But, have you wondered how much of nutritional value it has? Even restaurants have a variety of options which offer nutritional value, it is up to you to choose the one which contributes to good health. Avoid food with heavy dressing, instead you can make use of light dressing.

If you are in a Chinese restaurant, you must understand that excessive use of ajinomotto or any other taste maker is harmful. You must make sure that you stress on ‘avoiding the ajinomotto’ when you order for food. Special care must be taken when you have kids along with you. Chinese food from Beijing bites and Chungs Chinese corner may be nutritious enough with lot of greens in it. Make a right choice of the delicacies you order at the food outlets. It is we who make wrong choices and contribute to bad health.

Paneer and cottage cheese have plenty of proteins in them. If you are calorie conscious then you can order for low fat cheese. The same can be used as topping or grated well into your gravy. Egg is a rich source of protein, vitamins, carbohydrates and fat. Anything made out of eggs will be invaluable for growing children. Prepare different delicacies out of egg and provide sufficient nutrients to your children. Do not deprive yourself of it too.

For those calorie conscious, you can choose the one which has low fat and grease in it. Cut down on the fat content and replace lot of greens.

More on Beijing Bites Whitefield

Enjoy the Lighter Food in a Restaurant!

There are healthy choices to make, even in a pizza outlet. You can try out grilled stuff for your healthy living. If you are calorie conscious cut down on the cheese and butter intake. You may have the toppings of fresh greens which is good for your health. It is a good way to make your kids eat it too. You seldom see your kid eating vegetables at home but have them as toppings on the snacks they are the first ones to finish it.

Salads can be chosen from a variety of spread. They are not only healthy but add fibre to your bulk too. It makes you feel light and quickly get back in shape. Make sure that your salad is of a lighter dressing, has grilled toppings and not fried ones. This way you ensure that you eat healthy even when you are out in a restaurant.

It’s good to diet but do not overdo it such that you miss out on petite pleasures of life. Choose to go out to a hotel once in a while and make a healthy choice of diet. There is a whole lot of delicacies with nutritive value in them, choose what you eat wisely. Cut down on the amount you eat. Fast food meals which are meant for a single person may suffice for two. Do not overeat when you know it’s too much on your stomach. This will reduce the risk of gastritis and indigestion problems. Reach out to the online directory to book online at Nandhini restaurant, Kaati Zone, Beijing bites and more. You have a lot of options with us!

To know more on Restaurants in Bangalore, Barbeque Nation Bangalore

Best way to Eat your Food at the Restaurants?

Grilled food is best to eat and healthy too. If you are fond of meat do not worry about the fat or calories that you may consume. When food is cooked in medium flame over a grill it reduces the HCA formation. Besides this, it is also low in calorie as there is no oil or ghee used to cook the delicious meat.

Check online, to make your healthy choice of restaurants. You are free to book online and surprise your loves ones. For all those calorie conscious damsels there is grilled stuff to be ordered. Keep your heart and health in good condition. Read reviews to be able to choose better!

Making healthier choices at fast food restaurants, Beijing Bites and Chungs Chinese corner is easier if you prepare ahead by checking guides that show you the nutritional content of meal choices at your favorite restaurants. Free downloadable guides help you evaluate your options. There is no hassle for those who have health problems, you can get meals customized for you. Yummy, grilled food is here to delight you, try them! Those with physical ailments such as heart disease, diabetes, weight loss may not fear eating outside.

Fast Food and its Need Today?

The concept of fast food originated from America. The fast paced world hardly had any time to cook for themselves. It was a quick bite on the way for workoholics. The concept soon caught fancy with the Indians and this gave rise to chain of fast food restaurants such as Kaati zone and BJN group restaurants. These also have a lot of nutritive value so that the workaholic gets sufficient supply of nutrients adequate to keep him energized the whole day. One fast food meal comprises of sodium, adequate calories to keep you active the whole day.

You may have often heard, it’s not good to eat in the restaurants often. But, fast foods offer you energy packed food and makes for a healthy food choice. They are light on your pocket and heavy on your stomach too. Next time you are at a fast food outlet, don’t think twice before eating. You can have your meal safely and gain good health too. Most of the hoteliers are conscious about what they serve the customers. To suit the needs of the busy customers who are always on the move, they prepare meals rich in nutrients. Meals are loaded with vegetables whether you like it or not. But, these are good for your health, do not ignore the nutritional value.

To know more on Pizza Marathahalli

Barbecue and its Goodness from the Perspective of Health?

Barbecue is the safest way of cooking. It allows you to cook meat in low flame with out the use of fattening elements such as oil or ghee. It usually has a coating of sauce which is made up of apple, strawberry, raspberry, honey and mustard which is a sweetening element to the meat. If you choose the spicy sauce, you get the hot and sour coating on it.

It drives home the rustic feeling and is often cooked outdoor during family gatherings. The same form of cooking is brought to the restaurants so that food lovers can savour it even in a city. There are plenty of hotels which are getting more health conscious and resorting to this tasty and low calorie way of cooking. Meat lovers would love the taste of a grilled stuff as it gets yummier with the crispy crust coating on top. Not to leave out the veggies, you too have loads of options to choose from. Layers of paneer, capsicum and tomatoes when grilled make up for a good grilled stuff. These are dipped in a spicy and tangy sauce to enrich its flavour. They may be marinated and then cooked in a low flame to make the luscious grilled vegetarian stuff.

To know more on Barbeque Nation Koramangala, Nandhini Restaurant Whitefield

Eat the Barbecue Way – To Stay Fit!

To have a zero figure does not mean that you must give up eating in hotels. It is all about clever eating habits and choice of good food items. Some may be of the opinion that they are gaining too much weight because of eating outside. This is a wrong notion, we can rather put it this way, that you have been eating the wrong stuff. If you avoid it, you will surely see the changes in you.

Modern way of cooking in the hotels:

Both barbecue and grilling are considered to be healthy cooking habits. These make use of direct fire thus avoiding the usage of oil, ghee and other fattening elements. Grills can be used directly on fire, oven or gas stove. Both the methods offer a luscious flavour and are the safest ways of cooking. Besides this, they allow you to enjoy your pork, chicken or beef without being conscious about your weight. (More on Barbeque Nation Bangalore)

For those wanting to maintain zero figure can continue to relish their non veg or veg delicacies on the grill. There is no better way to eating delicious food other than the barbecue way. In order to add flavour, you can make use of olive oil which is low in calorie and is light on heart too. Beware of over eating the low calorie food. Some may be under the assumption that food items which are low in calorie can be eaten in excess as it would not make them gain weight. This is just a fallacy as eating large quantity of low calorie will be equal to eating small portion of high calorie food.

More on Kaati Zone Bangalore

Active Life and Eating Habits – Tips?

The secret behind active life is hidden in your eating habits. If you eat healthy, you live longer. You don’t have to necessarily cut down eating outside. Care must be taken in what you eat outside, restaurants offer plenty of nutritive yet yummy delicacies which you can’t resist. So every time you order some thing check on its nutritive value as against its junk element. Hotels also follow healthy cooking habits such as grilling and barbecue against the roasting and deep frying. It is up to you what you want to eat. They will serve you healthy food with out the use of taste makers and you can choose your food habits that can lead you to a better living. Active life is determined by what you choose in your day to day life.

Choose to eat in restaurants which make use of grilling and barbecue. These are safe way to staying fit as they do not make use of oil or other fattening elements. Besides this, it also provides better taste why do you want to miss out on consuming yummy food items. You can continue to relish your meals at the hotels with out being conscious about your weight gain.

This way, you can choose to follow your social life with out compromising on the quality aspect. This is how you make changes to your life style with out affecting your health. The same applies to eating habits at home too. You may stay at home and still continue to eat junk. Avoid this, and pick up low fat cheese, milk and yoghurt so that you can stay fit and away from diseases. Bulky people are more likely to fall prey to diseases as they resort to eating fatty food.

More on BJN Group Restaurants, Barbeque Nation Bangalore

Change your Lifestyle – Develop Healthy Food Habits!Change your Lifestyle – Develop Healthy Food Habits!

Lifestyle has influenced food habits to a great extent. One must take care to eat healthy food items with out compromising on taste. You can continue to eat tasty food and yet remain fit. If you are fond of non vegetarian delicacies, you can try out lean meat. These are low in fat and calories and can be grilled for good health. Grilling meat on fire with no oil used, is ideal for calorie conscious people. Next time, when you visit a restaurant do not forget to order for grilled food items.

For non vegetarians, there is whole range of beef, pork and chops to choose from. Turkey is also light on your body, you can try out flank steak too. Shell fish and mussles are high in potassium and magnesium besides helping you cut down on calories. It is often said that people who eat shell fish ad mussles remain lean as they reduce the calories in the body. Other varieties of fish include mackerel, salmonella and tuna which also help to achieve the same.

There are plenty of fat free cottage cheese, yoghurt, milk and sour cream available. You can try these instead of the normal milk products. This will help you keep your weight in control. Develop new eating habits and you will soon see how your health improves. Eating out in restaurants can be practiced with care, order for grilled chicken instead of roasted chicken, eat plenty of delicacies which are good at nutritive value. More and more hotels are practicing good cooking habits for those who are health conscious. Therefore, you need not worry about eating out.

More on Barbeque Nation Koramangala, Beijing Bites Whitefield

Do you prefer Eating in Restaurants? What are the things you must take care of? Do you prefer Eating in Restaurants? What are the things you must take

If you prefer eating in restaurants, order for those food items which are high in nutritive value. Eating junk may not fill your tummy and also lack in nutritive value. Your body craves for essential nutrients and you are not providing them enough as you have been eating junk. You may love to go to a restaurant, but make sure they are not using too much of ajino motto or other taste makers which may not allow your nutrients in the food to be absorbed well.

Care should be taken when you take out younger ones to hotels. They often savour junk food which must be avoided. Eating fruit salad is good for your health as these have lot of vegetables rich in iron, protein and essential minerals, besides having milk products in them. If he prefers to eat noodles make sure you tell the waiter while ordering, to avoid using taste makers as kids are very sensitive. Taste makers may do more harm to kids than adults. Be mindful of this fact when you take your kids out for lunch or dinner.

Fish such as sardine, mackerel and tuna are good brain food. Make them eat a lot of these fish varieties which is high on omega 3 fatty acid. Eggs, nuts are high in protein make use of these in your day to day meal course. Besides this, peanut butter and celery are also good for your health. Both adults and kids get benefited by eating them. Adults who are calorie conscious can try out oregano, mint, celery, thyme and rosemary flavours in your food items. These reduce the HCA (Heterocyclic Amines) formation in your body and add to the flavour too.

Get information on BJN Group Restaurants, Nandhini Restaurants Bangalore

How to Make your Kid Eat Healthy Food?

Plenty of colourful veggies added to your spring roll can make it yummy and healthy too. If kids hate to eat vegetables, you can try out these variations in their spring roll or veg roll. Similarly, quick snacks can be made out of bread with a layer of cheese and stuffing of vegetables grated finely and added with a different flavoured sauce can appeal their taste buds too.

Sprouted grams and other cereals which may otherwise be boring can be made yummy with a variation of sauce and pepper. Mayonnaise is often liked by them, you can try out mixing sprouted grams with these mayonnaise. Take a slice of bread and smear chutney made out of tomatoes or coriander leaves. Mix this chutney with butter and spread it across the bread slice. Arrange the vegetable slices of their choice and grate cheese on it. Eat it plain or grill them as you like.

It is such a simple secret, why do kids like restaurant sandwiches than the ones made at home. Simple, they prepare it with a lot of variations and add much more flavour to it than the ones made at home. Different varieties of sauce, and spreads will create a whole lot of difference. It could be chat masala powder that tingles their taste buds and they would want to have more of it.

Butter and cheese are rich in protein and calcium as they are made out of milk. These are good for children and specially those who are reluctant on drinking milk. Give one serving of cheese or butter and you have taken care of their protein and calcium deficit too. Taking them out once in a while will energise them, don’t you often see their mood elevated when they are taken out. Check for the chain of restaurants listed out in the online hotel directory. You are free to make bookings online or order them home. Let your kid try out what he likes out of the healthy lot.

To know more on Nandhini Restaurant Whitefield, Kaati Zone Bangalore

Chinese Delicacies – Those which are low in calories?

Soup lovers can try out mushroom soup as its low in calories. Broccolis, mushroom, celery, red pepper can be used for clear soup. These are low in calories, they are tasty and helps you lose weight as well. Use these vegetables and prepare other delicacies out of it. Swede, tomatoes, Brussels are the other vegetables which should not be left out. There are a variety of restaurants which are popular for Thai and Chinese food items.(More on
Beijing Bites)

Sweet corn soup is part of the popular Chinese delicacy. Continental lovers would drool over fish, crab and prawns. There is a special variety of fish which helps you to reduce weight. Isn’t that truly amazing, these let you lose weight while at the same time appease your taste buds too. Salmon, Tuna and mackerel contain omega 3 fatty acids which are good for brain and also help to reduce weight. These are known to fight out heart diseases too.(More on
Chungs Chinese Corner)

Other fat burning foods which you can try out at restaurants are shell fish and mussels. These sea foods are rich in magnesium, iron, potassium and calcium content. If you love cheese you need not give up on that, there are fat free cottage cheese which you can try out. Eating healthy break fat also helps stay fit.

To know more on Order Food Online

Plan out a Healthy Meal with your Family!

Family meals must be encouraged as children feel the lack of attention and resort to bad habits such as drinking and smoking. Going to a restaurant once in a while helps to build up the bonding between members and also makes them happy. It might boost up their mood a little higher. Book your seat for your family or your loved ones and surprise her. Online booking are available to surprise them when ever you want.

You can plan out a healthy course of meal that you are going to eat. It is wise to book tables rather than take your loved ones and keep them waiting for long. Make the best use of the time and better you relationship with her. Who would not want to try out the delicacies outside? It is quite boring to eat home made food and there is no harm in trying out new delicacies.

If you are fond of biriyani and spicy food, you must try out Mast kalandar hotels. These Mast kalandar hotels are known for their mouth watering food. This is a Vegetarian restaurant and foods are made spicy. If you are not the kind who eats spicy stuff, you can get it customized by asking the waiter to avoid too much spice. Look online to find out the chain of hotels which are offering unique delicacies that is found no where else. Every food corner is known for its own speciality, you must find out what they are and try them out. You will definitely not be disappointed by trying what’s special in a particular place.

Get related information on Order Food Online, Mast Kalandar Koramangala

Restaurateurs getting Health Conscious – Invent New Recipes!

With more and more people becoming health conscious restaurants also serve food items which are low in calories. There are food items such as salads which are low in calories. Hotels offer different varieties of these salads and if it’s too bland for you do not forget the grilled stuff. Pizzas can be cooked in oven specially made for calorie conscious, you can ask for less cheese and butter topping and they can customise it for you. This way, you have done justice to your taste buds as well as your health too.

Potato salad along with your barbecue stuff not only tastes good but they also prevent the formation of Heterocyclic Amines formation. It lowers the risk of developing high blood pressure and also reduces blood pressure of those who are already suffering from it. Some of the restaurateurs invent new recipes making use of the healthy food items and healthier way of cooking too. Using oregano adds flavour to your food while helping to reduce Heterocyclic Amines formation. Herbs such as sage, mint, thyme, oregano, basil, rosemary is good for health.

If you are planning to go to a restaurant, try and avoid fried food items specially those which are deep fried. Shallow fries will be better for those who are extremely health conscious.

To know more on Barbeque Nation Bangalore, US Pizza Bangalore

Grilling Food can be the Safest and Healthiest way to Cook!

For those health conscious people and heart patients, there is a new way of cooking healthy as well as tasty food. No oil, no greasy stuff yet cooked well to provide a different taste and appease your taste buds. Completely flavour rich and yet good on your health is the grilling method.

Choose to grill those food items which are low in fat and high in its nutrition elements. It is often said that olive oil is low in calories and fat, you can try this as they also help in preventing cancerous cells and add flavour to your food. Using marinades will make your food taste better and tender too. In addition to this, usage of certain beneficial herbs such as oregano, thyme, mint, basil, rosemary and sage helps you cut down on HCA or Heterocyclic Amines formation. Besides having a beneficial health tip they also augment the flavour of your food. There are a lot of restaurants which makes use of these herbs day in and day out. Pizzas are eaten with oregano toppings which add flavour to it apart from adding in nutritive value. (More on Pizza Corner)

Since grilling is used on direct gas or fire with no fattening elements such as oil used makes it the perfect way of cooking for healthy living. Live longer and savour the tastiest food on earth.

To know more on Papa Johns Pizza

Cooking your food and retaining the nutritional value!

Grilling on gas is the best method of cooking your food. If it is tried out on gas grills, it does not produce bad smoke unlike the others. It does not allow build up of ashes which would have otherwise made your food taste strange. Moreover, it is good for those who are calorie conscious as barbecues are cooked without the use of oil or ghee. Hence, it is good on diabetic and heart patients too. Enjoy your juicy chicken and beef roast in a different flavour!

When cooking meat along with vegetarian items, you should know that many vegetarians would prefer not to have any meat remnants touch their food. For this reason, its a good idea to thoroughly clean and scrape your grill after cooking any meat and before placing vegetarian items on the grill. Another alternative is to designate a separate section of the grill for vegetarian items, and make sure that this section is well cleaned before firing up the grill. If possible, many vegetarians would prefer to have their food cooked on a separate grill. Check in with your vegetarian guests before the day of your big barbeque and see which option they would prefer. Non vegetarians or vegetarians, you can try out different flavours on the barbecue now!

To know more on Barbeque Nation Bangalore, Barbeque Nation Koramangala

Non vegetarians – savour the best taste!

For those non vegetarians, there are restaurants which serve a different variety of barbequed meat. The term barbecue is derived from the word barbie’. It originated from Australia and New Zealand. The South Africans call it as Braai. This is popularly used method of cooking which uses heat and hot smoke of fire. It is popularly tried out in the outdoor with the use of wood and charcoal. However, hotels make use of a different material to carry out the heating process. They make use of brick or the modern way of cooking with metal ovens specially meant for this type of cooking.

There are different variations of this, Brazilians cook it differently from Australians. It is also found by researchers that barbecue with potato salad is considered to prevent cancer. This releases favourable molecules in the digestive system.

Grilling food also makes use of direct fire. You can either use the grills on the direct gas, oven or direct fire. It allows food to cook slowly with out getting charred. Using a grill prevents it from burning excessively. The same can be tried for vegetarian food too. It offers amazing flavour to your paneer and capsicum grilled stuff.

To know more on Bangalore Restaurants, Barbeque Nation Bangalore